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AskDoctor Mobile App


UX Researcher

UX Designer


Initiative Project

  • Final project in Hacktiv8 UI/UX class

  • Showcasing journey on patients behaviour and how to apply to online health consultation


The main goal of this project is to create an online app that enable patient to have a worry free online consultation with professional medical expert

Thinking journey

This is a project which I run individually. In the process I try to use design thinking framework to carry out the project. 



From the objective, it leads me to a research question to start the process.


Research question

How does young adult in Indonesia interact with the medical system both online and offline when they need to have a medical consultation.


Problem statement

I will analyze the behaviour of young adult in Indonesia when getting a medical consultation, their motivations and pain points.


To answer these question, I  carried out two method; In-Depth Interview and Competitive Analysis

# Competitive Analysis

Besides that, linking to basic idea of emphatize, as a brand new online medical application product, i tried to grasp big idea that has been published in the market by starting some competitive analysis of our competitors. I choose the competitors by the most downloaded online medical app in the app store.  This helps me to also learn on what feature that will be helpful to similar product. (Comparison done back in end of 2022 which might've change/ developed by now)

# 1:1 interview.

First, I decided to do in-depth online interviews in order to gather user’s thought about their medical consultation journey including their pain points and preferences, which also to briefly grasp their character and thinking toward individual wellbeing.this is also as a way to understand background character toward health in general.


Due to time limitations, I have managed to arranged 5 in-depth interviews with this criteria:

  1. Have booked to doctor consultation in real life and through application

   2. Young adult in Indonesia age range between 25 - 40


I considered above age range as my participants based on specific reasons:

  • Based on data from BPS (Badan Pusat Statistik), they are included under productive age, and assumed to have the full control on financial decision including for health.

  •  Specified age are millenial which are familiar with digital application and technology but also experienced enough with conventional way such as going to nearest clinic and hospital.

The questions are being asked through the zoom interview and adjusted accordingly throughout the discussion


# Competitive Analysis 

Finding 1: Ideal, but not a winner.

From the competitive analysis table, i found that it is really interesting how the data show Alodokter app has been published earlier than Halodoc and also have lower consultation fees but achieve less numbers of downloaded in the appstore.


Finding 2: First impression matter!

another thing that I see from the observation to the table is that both have quite similar services but different  content visibility and design. this raise another assumption where I believe the way the front page organized play  an important role in the process.

# 1:1 Interview

Next, from the answers gather from the 1:1 Interviews. I try to arrange the information by using affinity diagrams. for me affinity diagram has been very impactful in helping to draw connection from wide answers that resulted from both online and offline experience of users.

To a clearer and more straightforward insights, I organized the highlights into four classifications:


  • Queueing

  • Shallow and template doctor’s responses

  • Inefficient procedure that takes time


  • tend to do self medicating first and find doctor once they feel further medication needed

  • Choose online doctor to buy medicine

  • Influenced by people around them when trying new doctor/ hospital

  • Looking at detail info about background and availability

  • Reach more to google and friend(doctor) if they need particular info about health issue

  • Moderate health awareness, healthy behaviour attempted but still miss sometimes

  • already know what specialist they want to consult with

  • Stick with one hospital that have various doctors and recorded personal data



  • Doctor who explains well and detail

  • history record about their data and health history due to have simpler  registration and consultation process



  • Proper medication with minimum waiting time

  • Reliable source of information to ask and find

  • Feel properly examined

  • Clear information about doctor’s background and availability

Based on the insights gathered from combination process of In-depth interview and competitive analysis. I created user persona to help create better presentation on how our user might be

After summarizing the insights into persona. I try to create user journey to illustrate a scenario of how Arla and people like her gets into medical consultation while using digital services. The scenario consisted of a combination of real and anticipated touch points as this backed up with integrated insight derived from online and offline experiences. By drawing deeper of each steps it  helps me to discover areas that needed to be focused on. 

notes: I realize it's been uncommon to have waiting room page before digital consultation app, waiting has been one major issue associated with our user. But, I put hypothetical step to highlight this which help me to keep consider the issue  which also affect my consideration in discovering opportunity.


From the costumer that i have build earlier, i try to arrange all the room for opportunities along with the solutions for each issues through the creation of HMW concepts. 

next, i put HMW to the for of user flow to visualized the journey recommendation that our users will encounter. I also put some details in to highlight some details and necessary feature added.

To create a better idea in regards to product layout, I created greyscale wireframe that completed with red signs which shows how I applied the idea into realistic feature and flow


Sign up / Log in Page
Choosing doctors
E-form and Personal History
Payment and Consultation 

To illustrate even better, I also present interactive prototype with specific scenario.

Scenario: A new user is making an appointment with a dermatologist.

What I learn during the process
  • When designing the Hifi and prototype, it took longer that i expected. There are some design that which i think it would've been ideal If i can apply it but my limitation on the tools results in limited design outcomes. However, through trial and error I managed to get familiar in every attempts using figma. which this make me believe, I' ll get better as long as I keep trying and exploring more design.

  • During the process, especially when creating wireframe and prototype. I often have a lot of what ifs thought. "What if I am being too subjective, what if it doesn't work?, what if it can't be implemented, what if users fail to understand what's  this button for" that's where I think, iteration matter. as it might not show me the perfect solution, but it shows me what's work. 

  • I think this short project will achieve better result if it is done in a team, so it can be more representative in term of the priority and possibility that needed to be working on. As I also learn from Hall (2013) it will better to include all team to review the result to create better filter. 

  • I chose red as the main colour of the brand, during the process, I was thinking that it would be a challenge to apply any error stage as it must have similar colour. it might not occuring on this project as I only create a prototype for spesific scenario. However, I think i need to learn and explore this issue so I understand the solution when facing similar problem in the future.

  • From this pilot research and design development, I think there aren't any special findings that produce significance different between AskDoctor with other online doctor application. However, this journey make me learn a lot about the process on creating MVP and the same time remind me that our goal is not necessarily create perfect product, instead  we create best product we can achieve within specific period and it requires a lot of iteration. I hope it enough to illustrate my thinking journey to every decision made through out the process. 

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